Coronavirus Vaccines Cost Up to $2 Billion


The United States is planning on paying BioNTech and Pfizer up to $2 Billion dollars for a possible coronavirus vaccine but we will only be getting 100 million of the doses. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, we will be able to get an extra 500 doses.Coronavirus

If the Coronavirus vaccine proves to be safe and healthy in phase 3 and gets approved then they will buy more and start sending them to certain locations in the United States.

Health officials have previously warned that one of the greatest challenges of rapidly rolling out a vaccine will be obtaining the supplies necessary to produce enough doses. Americans will be able to get the doses for free at cost according to HHS.

The first trial will have at least 30,000 people if it is safe enough. The secretary of HHS said, “We’re not concerned about supply chain we’ve secured that to be able to ensure that we’ll be able to vaccinate the American people once we get vaccines that are demonstrated safe and effective to the FDA’s gold standard of approval or authorization.” Pfizer Inc. is an American multinational pharmaceutical corporation headquartered in New York City. It is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies.

Written By Charles Lott

Edited by Sheena Robertson


CNBC: U.S. agrees to pay Pfizer and BioNTech $2 billion for 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccine

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